Conference Proceedings

The proceedings of the conference will be published as a monographic issue of Nuclear and Particle Physics (Elsevier). Please find below Elsevier's specific instructions on manuscript preparation.

A template package is available from the journal webpage at:
(link on the bottom of the page) or from the direct link:
For your easy accessibility, please find here the template: latex

Because all papers need to be handed to the publisher by end of January 2017, we set DECEMBER 15 2016 as the deadline for submitting the papers to us -- so there will still be a month to review and possibly update the papers. We understand, and apologise for, the pressure we are putting on you: but we are certain about the quality and the importance of these Proceedings. When your paper is ready, please send it by e-mail in gzipped format to Omar Tibolla and to Massimo Persic
 by DECEMBER 15, 2016.  

The lengths of the papers reflect both the limits imposed on the book size (up to 399 pp.) and on the status of the talk (invited vs. solicited/contributed vs. historical) as specified in the email to all contributors.